Exhibition Products


Curaco Carebidet

Curaco Carebidet is the nursing care bidet (Automatic Toileting Aid System) for the bedridden. It is invented for people with limited mobility such as the elderly, patients, and the disabled. When Curaco Carebidet detects urine and/or faeces, it automatically flushes the excrement away, rinses, and air-dries the user’s body, ensuring cleanness and comfort of the user without the use of disposable paper diapers. Furthermore, it also counts the frequencies of urination and excretion. To bedridden, Curaco improves personal hygiene, reduce fungal, bladder and/or urinary tract infections often caused by the use of paper diapers. It also relieves constipation and fecal incontinence. To care givers, Curaco provides a nursing environment that is free from odor, dirt and mess. It does not consume disposable paper diaper and hence, the costs and workload of diaper change and waste disposable are largely eliminated.
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